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March 7, 2025

AAVS Helps Chimps with $100,000 Gift

They’re Finally Home!

Chimpanzees have been languishing for decades at the Alamogordo Primate Facility, waiting for the sanctuary home they need and deserve. So, when the National Institutes of Health suddenly announced that it would release these chimpanzees to Chimp Haven, AAVS was quick to offer help by providing a $100,000 grant to help expand the sanctuary’s limited living space and accommodate the new arrivals.

The first 10 lucky chimpanzees have already arrived at Chimp Haven, and we’re happy to report they are already settling in beautifully to their new home! Faylene wasted no time asking for chin scratches, while Al quickly stole hearts as the calm wingman to his more mischievous buddy, Kamaka. Olivia is apparently quite the firecracker, while Nickel has a gentle, grandmotherly nature. And their pals BC, JD, Sherril, Tillina, and Pearl are also thriving!

The remaining chimpanzees at APF will be arriving at Chimp Haven in the coming weeks, and we can’t wait to see them start their new lives. Sanctuary support is such an important and gratifying part of our work because it directly and positively impacts animals who have suffered in laboratories. And it brings our mission full circle!

You can help us celebrate the release of the Alamogordo chimps with a gift to our Sanctuary Fund—100% of your donation will go toward animal care. Please consider being a part of one of our most rewarding programs by making a contribution today!