September 19, 2023
Animals Don’t Belong In Dissection Trays
Dear Friend,
Did you know that millions of animals, including cats, frogs, and pigs, are still commonly dissected in science classrooms? It’s a practice that is cruel, wasteful, and unnecessary.
Animalearn, a program of AAVS, works every day to help teachers and school administrators discover the lasting benefits of humane science education. Non-animal alternatives to dissection are:
- 🐸 Effective for learning. A 2022 study published in American Biology Teacher showed that 95% of students learned just as well—and in most cases, better—when using non-animal alternatives compared to animal dissection.
- 😻 Safer for students and teachers. When performing traditional dissection exercises, students may be exposed to preservatives derived from formaldehyde, as well as dangerous instruments like scalpels.
- 🐷 Innovative new tools. Virtual reality, for example, “holds great utility in science education by engaging students in science topics that may be otherwise inaccessible to them in the real world,” according to Professor Rebecca Hite at Texas Tech University.
That is why Animalearn’s unique FREE lending library, The Science Bank, offers hundreds of innovative life science education products, including comprehensive online learning resources for both in-person and remote teaching. Seeing is believing!
Please help us promote Animalearn’s SOLUTION to the problem of dissection with a gift today.
Your thoughtful contribution makes a difference for animals, people, and the planet!
Nicole Green
Director of Animalearn
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