Donate to AAVS

Support AAVS Through Your Donor Advised Fund

A Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) is one of the easiest and most tax-advantageous ways to set aside funds for support of worthy nonprofit causes like AAVS. A DAF is a charitable giving account created through a tax-deductible contribution to a sponsoring public charity, such as Fidelity Charitable, or community foundation, such as the Philadelphia Foundation.

After establishing your DAF, you may then recommend nonprofits near to your heart, like AAVS, to be grant recipients. Also, your donation is invested based on your preferences, and has the potential to grow tax-free. It’s similar to having a private foundation, but without the associated operating costs and management responsibilities, and can be established at a much lower threshold.

Grants made to AAVS through a DAF may be a one-time (or monthly) donation, given to use wherever the need is greatest, or designated to fund a specific area of our work, including:

  • Area of Greatest Need
  • Sanctuary Fund
  • Alternatives Research
  • Humane Science Education
  • Leaping Bunny Program

Also, you can designate American Anti-Vivisection Society as a “Successor Advisor” to your DAF. That means that AAVS would be able to receive whatever percentage you designate of the remainder of your account.

Clients of Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, and BNY Mellon may easily initiate a grant designation for AAVS through the DAF Direct application on this page.

AAVS’s tax I.D. number is 23-0341990.