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November 28, 2023

Giving Tuesday 2023

Our friends at Chimp Haven told us, When Inky moved into her first play yard at Chimp Haven, she thought the grass was a little odd, but she’s certainly taken to the nature of her new habitat. She’s spending lots of time near the waterfront, where her care team jokes she’s officially on vacation, beach towel and all!”

Sanctuaries Need AAVS. We Need YOU.

Winter is coming and they need our help now. Please read on to hear how AAVS has joined together with wonderful sanctuaries to relieve suffering, and how you can be a part of the miracle of kindness.

Why there is a need. Primates. Equines. Pigs. Birds. Amphibians. Dogs. Cats. Rabbits. Mice. Even octopuses. Seemingly no species is safe from the cruelty of laboratory experiments, chemical testing, and even classroom activities. Defenseless animals are repeatedly subjected to invasive procedures and pointless testing, infected with diseases, and then most are killed. But a fortunate few have been allowed to “retire” from this nightmare existence, and there is hope for them—a better life lies ahead.

How AAVS steps up, with your help. Over 40 years ago, AAVS provided its first grant to a sanctuary that took in a sick and frightened little ape formerly exploited for science. We have gone on to help many hundreds more animals over the years. That has been made possible thanks to your support of our Sanctuary Fund—your incredible generosity has helped enable the relocation of animals from research facilities to accredited sanctuaries, where they are thriving.

More animals are waiting to experience the joy of sanctuary. This year’s grant applications to our Sanctuary Fund have been received and we don’t want to disappoint any of the many worthy applicants. As costs for everything continue to increase, AAVS’s funding is critically needed to help sanctuaries welcome more animals and maintain their high standards of care.

Please support AAVS’s Sanctuary Fund so we can award even more in grants.

Our annual grants will be awarded later this week, so a contribution today, on Giving Tuesday, will be particularly meaningful. Your donation will support animals who have never before had access to fresh air and grass beneath their feet. In sanctuaries, they enjoy healthy diets, stimulating environments, and vital social companionship. And as we did in 2022, AAVS is again providing special supplemental funding for much-needed professional veterinary care.

With your support, AAVS can continue helping animals heal and recover from the pain and fear they have experienced in laboratories. Working together, we can ensure a brighter future for all of those forgotten animals who deserve a better life.


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