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April 19, 2024

Michiganders – Demonstrate Support for Queenie’s Law (HB 4849)

AAVS supports passage of Michigan’s HB 4849, which would prohibit painful experiments using dogs at publicly funded institutions in the state.

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine is organizing a demonstration on April 25 in Lansing at the steps of the State Capital to rally support for the proposed bill, referred to as “Queenie’s Law,” in memory of a dog who suffered in cardiology experiments and died at Wayne State University.

The rally is intended to encourage leaders in the House to bring the bill forward for a vote. You can demonstrate public support for dogs by attending. And you are welcome to bring your dog companions if you think they would enjoy it. (Participating dogs get a free bandana!)


  • When: Thursday, April 25, 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
  • Location: East Steps of the State Capitol, 100 North Capitol Ave., Lansing, MI
  • RSVP: RSVP at the Facebook event
  • Parking: Garages are located at 316 N. Capitol Ave. and 320 S. Capitol Ave.

Thank you for representing AAVS at the rally and helping to pass Queenie’s Law!