Quick – Tell Senate NO Funding for Primate Breeding!


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September 27, 2023

Quick – Tell Senate NO Funding for Primate Breeding!

NO Funding to Expand Primate Research

Congress is currently working on the federal government’s 2024 fiscal budget and the Senate Appropriations Committee has included $30 million for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to renovate, expand, and build new infrastructure at its National Primate Research Centers. This support will expand primate breeding efforts and increase the use of primates in invasive research in the U.S., perpetuating a reliance on animal models that are unreliable and not applicable to human disease.

Please help stop this wasteful, irresponsible spending that will cause countless numbers of primates to suffer!

Congress should not bow to pressure from animal research lobbying and interest groups by supporting primate research. Instead, Congress should help reduce the reliance on animals in science by providing funding for the use and development of human-based models of disease that can help us gain greater understanding of human biological systems and create new drug treatments.

Please contact your Senators today and urge them to remove NIH funding from the federal budget that would increase primate research.

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