October 15, 2024
October Is BUILD IT! Month

There has been an ongoing need to rehome hundreds of chimpanzees after the National Institutes of Health stopped funding research on them in 2015. Additionally, there are more chimps suffering in roadside zoos or kept as ‘pets’ who need safe homes. Many of these chimps are living in substandard conditions, facing physical and psychological harm due to inadequate care and isolation.
Your immediate help is crucial to relocate these chimps to forever homes.
AAVS understands the inherent complexity of relocating animals released from laboratories and other nightmarish environments—finding them new homes is an integral part of our overall mission. To address that need, AAVS initiated our BUILD IT! Campaign to assist animal sanctuaries across the United States with expansion and improvement of their facilities to accommodate new residents and ensure their lifelong care. This year’s beneficiary sanctuary is Save the Chimps, which is already home to hundreds of chimpanzees, most of whom were relinquished from the notorious Coulston lab over two decades ago.
In their comprehensive strategic plan, Save the Chimps has identified the need for urgent upgrades, renovations, and the construction of new facilities to maintain and enhance chimp habitats, core facilities, and campus infrastructure. This transformation will have a lasting impact on current and future chimp residents, the dedicated and compassionate staff and volunteers who care for them, and the future of the field of chimp rescue. However, the cost is estimated at $18 million.
Could you please help the chimps with a BUILD IT! contribution today? Every dollar will help to reach that challenging goal to enable capacity building at Save the Chimps.
And thanks to the generosity of anonymous AAVS supporters, all gifts made through this special appeal will be matched dollar-for-dollar. When you give $10, the BUILD IT! fund will get $20. Your $50 gift increases to $100! And a $250 donation doubles to $500
Please support AAVS’s 2024 BUILD IT! Campaign and help Save the Chimps to expand and provide a new forever home for chimpanzees still languishing in harmful environments.
Thank you!