Our Work
Humane Science Education
Every year, millions of animals are dissected in elementary, middle, and high schools, with more used in colleges and universities. Most of these animals suffer and die for a one-time educational demonstration. AAVS tackles this unnecessary cruelty through its education division, Animalearn.
Established in 1990, Animalearn, and its alternatives loan program, The Science Bank, work to foster an awareness of and a respect for animals used in education. Animalearn strives to eliminate the use of animals in education through advocacy for use of alternative methods. Animalearn assists educators and students to find the most effective non-animal methods to teach and study science.
The Science Bank, provides hundreds of hands-on resources and innovative technology for educators and students at no cost. Available items are suitable for a variety of educational levels, including K-12, college/university, and veterinary/medical.
This one-of-a-kind program allows educators and students to learn anatomy, physiology, and psychology lessons without harming animals, themselves, or the Earth. The Science Bank has been serving thousands of people for over 25 years, and is the only loan program of humane science alternatives in the United States.
Animalearn’s outreach efforts help to provide kinder solutions to outdated dissection labs. Animalearn representatives not only conduct workshops at national science education conferences but also work individually with educators or students interested in adopting non-animal alternatives in their classroom.
Are you looking to bring compassion into science education? Please visit TheScienceBank.org to learn more.