Support the Captive Primate Safety Act!

Support the Captive Primate Safety Act!

Help end the monkey pet trade

Monkeys are wild animals and keeping them as pets is cruel and dangerous. The Captive Primate Safety Act (H.R. 8164 / S. 4206) was introduced in Congress to help prevent the animal suffering that inevitably comes from this exploitation. This bill would stop people from owning pet monkeys by prohibiting their import, export, sale, breeding, or possession.

Although baby monkeys may seem cute and cuddly, they suffer tremendously as victims of the exotic pet trade. Baby monkeys are typically taken from their mothers soon after birth. As they grow, monkeys become stronger and start to act on their natural instincts. As biting becomes a problem, owners will then often restrict them to small cages and have their teeth pulled. Denying monkeys the opportunity to live in natural social groups—especially during the first months and years of their lives—is extremely harmful, causing psychological damage and lifetime scars.

A few lucky rescued monkeys will make it to a sanctuary, but all primate sanctuaries are at capacity and have waiting lists of animals from labs, roadside zoos, and the pet trade. Resources are strained, and the best way to end the problem is to stop the flow. The Captive Primate Safety Act would reduce this burden on sanctuaries by prohibiting the pet monkey trade.

AAVS proudly supports many primate sanctuaries and the development of good sanctuary practices and certification. With a strong federal law like the Captive Primate Safety Act, we can help animals and the sanctuaries that rescue them. Please help stop the animal suffering and exploitation of monkeys in the exotic pet trade by contacting your legislators today!

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