December 19, 2024
Over $500,000 for the care of former lab animals

Living Their Best Lives in Sanctuary!
Animals who are lucky enough to be released from labs need special care and considerable help to adjust to and thrive in their new homes. So we are thrilled to announce that this month we awarded our annual Sanctuary Fund grants to more than a dozen sanctuaries caring for animals, including Elvis, Cindy, and Ewok. This year, AAVS has awarded over $500,000 in grants to support the work of sanctuaries caring for animals who have been used in research.
Every animal in sanctuary has a touching story. Elvis, for example, was released by a bankrupt lab and has diabetes. His caregivers ensure he gets his medication and access to a special diet to keep the disease under control. Cindy is a mare who was continually impregnated and confined to a small stall so that her urine could be collected and used to make hormone replacement drugs for women. Ewok was born in a lab where another chimpanzee bit off three of his toes as a baby. Now all three are living their best lives, safe in sanctuaries where they receive the best care possible. (Click to learn more about Elvis, Cindy, and Ewok!)
AAVS has awarded over $4.5 million to sanctuaries that care for animals released from labs. We’re forever grateful for the work of these sanctuaries because we know that our work to end the use of animals in science is only complete when it includes a commitment to the long-term care of individuals who have endured so much.
Thank you!