Tell FDA
No Animal Testing in My Sunscreen!
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) could soon require the use of animals to test certain ingredients in sunscreens, despite not having done so for several years. Thousands of mice and rats would suffer needlessly and some cruelty-free companies that many compassionate consumers rely on could be forced to conduct animal tests, change their formulations, or stop selling their products.
Tell the FDA that animal tests are not needed to show sunscreen ingredients are safe!
In recent years, the FDA has given the development and use of non-animal methods more attention and the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act signed into law in 2022, gives the agency regulatory discretion in accepting non-animal testing data to show products are safe. If the FDA wants to review the safety of sunscreen ingredients, it should re-examine information that has already been produced or conduct new testing that relies on the best science available—alternatives utilizing human tissue and cells that generate data most applicable to human conditions. Requiring new animal tests simply does not make sense and would result in needless animal suffering.
The FDA needs to recognize that Americans want safe AND cruelty-free sunscreens.
To assure quality science and consumer confidence, they need to forge ahead with alternative methods, and nix the animal tests.
Tell the FDA that you don’t want animal testing in your sunscreen!
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