October 17, 2024
The look on her face says it all

Vanilla was born in a biomedical research laboratory where she was housed in a small cage suspended from the ceiling with no fresh air, sunlight, or outdoor access. Save the Chimps rescued her in 2022 from a defunct wildlife refuge, transporting her, along with six other chimpanzees, across the country to their new home.
Vanilla developed a close relationship with Dwight, the alpha male in her adopted family, who encouraged her with hugs as she took her first steps onto her new island home—in awe of the open sky above her. Vanilla has been given a second chance—a life of freedom and exploration where she is thriving with her new family.
Vanilla was fortunate that Save the Chimps was able to make room for her and her friends in a safe, healthy, enriched environment. However, the future is uncertain for over 200 chimpanzees in labs, roadside zoos, and other precarious situations. Your support is the key to success.
Along with expanding capacity at this important sanctuary, your contribution will also ensure that the chimpanzees will enjoy wholesome foods, stimulating environments, and, most importantly, the social companionship of their own kind. But long-term care expenses add up: food, housing, medical care, and enrichment activities for one chimpanzee in sanctuary cost as much as $30,000 annually, and life expectancies are 50 years or longer.
Together we can do this! Thanks to a few generous AAVS donors, every contribution received for this year’s BUILD IT! Campaign will be MATCHED dollar for dollar. Any amount you give is instantly worth twice as much!
Thank you!