November 9, 2021
Animal Research Supplier License Revoked
In a highly unusual decision, the Moulton Chinchilla Ranch, a facility that supplied chinchillas for use in research, has been shut down and its owner’s breeding license permanently revoked after being cited for violating the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) more than 100 times. This is the first time in six years that an animal research-related facility was taken to court, an action reserved for extreme cases. A review of U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) inspection reports shows a long history of egregious AWA violations, including denying veterinary care to sick and injured animals, failing to provide safe, clean housing, and repeatedly failing to make the facility available to inspectors.
During the hearing, a USDA inspector testified that he had “nightmares” about what he witnessed at the Moulton Chinchilla Ranch and that it became his training tool for “how to deal with the worst-case scenario facilities.”
Chinchillas have been used in hearing research because of their unique qualities. Unfortunately, hundreds of chinchillas suffered in horribly inhumane conditions until the USDA finally took steps to shut down the Moulton Chinchilla Ranch. In order for the AWA to be effective in regulating licensees, the USDA needs to do a better job at acting more quickly when animals are in imminent harm.
Other News

The journal Altex published a piece authored by experts in the field of alternatives development, who explain the importance of the Humane Research and Testing Act. If enacted, this bill would establish a center at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) specifically focused on advancing alternatives in biomedical research and testing. It would also provide incentives for scientists using non-animal methods and require reporting on the numbers of all vertebrate animals used in NIH-funded research, something not currently required. READ MORE »
Tell your Representative to support the Humane Research and Testing Act! ACT NOW »
Nicole Green, Director of AAVS’s Animalearn department, was interviewed for the Association of Professional Humane Educators’ (APHE) Member Spotlight. As a dedicated animal activist with 25 years of experience as a humane educator for Animalearn, Nicole is happy to share her knowledge and insight about how to instill compassion for animals in others. Nicole was a APHE Board Member for three years and now serves as an advisor for the organization. READ MORE »
Sanctuary Moment

Thank you! Thank you! “Heartwarming” is how we describe the generosity of our supporters for this year’s annual BUILD IT! matching campaign.
This funding will be used to help Magic and 25 other chimpanzees, many of whom were once used in research. They are currently living at a facility in an area of California plagued with wildfires, and are in desperate need of new sanctuary homes. Every dollar received through our BUILD IT! campaign is being matched, thanks to a few loyal AAVS supporters, and will be used to help sanctuaries expand so they can provide safe, loving homes for these very deserving chimpanzees.
If you haven’t had a chance to donate to our BUILD IT! campaign, it’s not too late to get your gift doubled! Just go to aavs.org/builditmatch before November 30 to make your donation go twice as far. Thank you!
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