Help Chimpanzees Get Out of the Lab!

Your gift DOUBLED—but only until November 30. Great news came in 2015 when the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced that it would no longer fund invasive research on chimpanzees…

August 2022 Enewsletter

Congratulations!! Awards to scientists who save animal lives – ARDF funds alternatives to replace animals in biomedical research and testing

July 2022 Enewsletter

Air France ends primate transport, primate research failings, chimps find sanctuary

June 2022 Enewsletter

Animal research breeder closes and alternatives make a difference for people and animals…

May 2022 Enewsletter

Op-ed for the birds, lessons from Covid research, ‘surplus’ lab animals, children’s views of animals, meet “Queen” Negra

Today and every day for animals in labs

AAVS News HomeToday and every day for animals in labs Stay Connected Support Our Mission Please support our vital campaigns and outreach programs. DONATE NOW Yesterday, Today, and Always It’s World Day for Animals in Laboratories! Because animal testing happens behind closed laboratory doors, many people don’t know the pain and suffering animals are forced […]